Designing the online shopping experience

In 2016 I joined the product development team of STYFI, a fashion e-commerce platform as a UX Design intern.


About STYFI: STYFI creates a seamless shopping experience across digital and physical stores through curated fashion, interest-based personalization, artificial intelligence, and real-time analytics.

As part of the product design team, I re-designed the user experience on the iOS, android, and web platforms through an iterative user-centered design process.


Location: Mumbai, India

Duration: 3 months


The development of user experiences I was intimately involved in –


  • To reduce irrelevant clutter on the Home feed, thereby reducing the effect of Hick’s Law
  • To fulfill the business goal of increasing conversion rates by pushing relevant content that leads users to relevant products


  • To enhance the user’s experience of searching through the immense depth and breadth of products
  • To reflect marketing strategy to position STYFI as the “Ultimate Shopping Companion”
  • To support the backend’s tag based recommender system

During my internship,

I conducted exploratory research and presented the findings to stakeholders
I participated in brainstorming sessions to translate insights from the research to concepts and wireframes
I designed and mapped the Information Architecture of the mobile app and website.
I designed low and high fidelity wireframes on Sketch

I employed the mobile-first design strategy and presented multiple iterations to the stakeholders, marketing team, content team, development teams, and the stylists

I designed and presented user workflows to help align cross-functional teams
I adapted high fidelity wireframes across all platforms – iOS, android and web